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mbs scheduling

Scheduling is easy.

Swallow study oklahoma mobile radiology nursing home geriatric pediatric barium swallow modified tulsa muskogee okc city

To schedule, you can either text (918) 445 - 4740 or

fill out the intake form.



Fax or submit facesheet at the end of the intake form or bring it when we arrive.

fax (844) 272- 4566



Fax or submit physician's order at the end of the intake form or bring it when we arrive.

fax (844) 272 - 4566



Text or call to schedule or fill out the intake form and we will contact you.

Text (918) 445 - 4740

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Download screening tools. 

   - Quick Signs & Symptoms checklist

   - Handy Chart Review checklist

   - Ideal Bedside Swallow Evaluation

Swallow study oklahoma mobile radiology nursing home geriatric pediatric barium swallow modified tulsa muskogee okc city
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